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It’s that time of year again when many find it easy to stray from their health journey, often thinking “I’ll pick things back up in January”. But what if you could enjoy the holiday meals and fun while still making progress towards your health goals?
What do hormones actually do?
Hormones play a critical role in our well-being and become more so as we age. As chemical messengers of the body, they regulate everything from reproduction and emotions to general health.
EZ PRF partners with albumin, a carrier protein, to create a natural restorative filler. The albumin, when heated and then cooled, creates a gel-like consistency. Mixing the PRF and albumin gel creates a thicker consistency and flexibility which creates the plumping effect of a filler.
As we age, our skin starts showing signs of aging like fine lines, wrinkles, smile lines, sagging skin, and dull skin. Aging is inevitable, but we can reduce the signs of aging. As a minimally invasive, versatile, and relatively low-risk procedure, dermal fillers may be your answer to achieving that youthful glow.
Esthetician Elena Brown explains how to care for your skin from oily to dry and everything in between. In this series, you will learn how to identify your skin type, build a routine, and learn about professional-recommended products for your skin type.