Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement
Role of Hormones in the Body
Hormones play a critical role in our well-being and even more so as we age. As chemical messengers of the body, they regulate everything from reproduction and emotions to general health. Hormones partner with our natural biochemicals to physically, mentally, and emotionally support us.
Hormone production declines as we age, which can begin in the 20s and 30s but is most noticeable in later decades of life. Every area of the body these messengers communicate with is affected when something goes wrong.
Common symptoms of hormone imbalance:
Anxiety, irritability, or mood swings
Insomnia or fatigue
Muscle aches or weakness
Bone weakness and joint pain
Skin problems: acne, itchy or dry skin, wrinkles
Increased thirst or hunger
Heavy periods
Low libido
Weight gain or loss
Sweating, sensitivity to cold or heat
Thinning hair
Produced from either wild yams or soy, bio-identical hormones chemically match the natural hormone structure within the body and produce identical positive effects as body-produced hormones without the risks and side effects of pharmaceutical, lab-developed hormones.
Bio-identical hormones are backed by science, studies, and decades of use in clinical practices worldwide. This data and experience zero in on many benefits.
Reduced risk of heart disease
Improved cardiac output or heart function
Improved sleep quality
Improved cognitive function and protection against dementia
Improved exercise, strength, performance, and recovery
Prevention and reversal of osteoporosis
Better skin integrity and appearance
Decreased risk for prostate or breast cancer, even in cancer survivors
Reduced incidence of colorectal cancer
Improved sexual function
Improved weight loss and maintenance
Muscle mass maintenance
In contrast, non-bio-identical hormones such as primer, protestants, oral-conjugated estrogen, or pharmaceutical hormones such as Premarin and ProVera come with risks of blood clotting and cancer because the body does not recognize these treatments as natural. Properly prescribed bio-identical hormones protect the body and are recognized as “friend not foe” within the body.
This therapy dramatically improves many individuals’ quality of life and health, but it may not be for everyone. There is no “one size fits all” category in your health and wellness journey.
Physician-led wellness at La Vie works with the individual and creates a treatment plan specific to you. Contact our office to schedule a consult appointment and personal lab evaluation.